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Your new favorite email marketing automation platform.

Easy, powerful, and on time. Drip is email automation at its finest.

  • Pricing starts at $39 per month
  • 14-day free trial (no credit card required)
  • Free migration (including list import and workflow setup)
  • Simple but powerful workflows for all occasions

Brands we automate with.


Build your brand with email marketing automation that converts.

Automate with Drip and start saving time, showing up in every inbox on time, and always bringing just the right gift to the email party. See some of our best email automation templates below:


The reviews are in, Drip is the best
email automation platform with workflows such as:

  • Welcome series
  • Cart abandonment
  • Birthday and anniversary
  • Post-first purchase
  • Browse abandonment
  • At-risk customer win-back
  • Next-sell campaign
  • Sale announcement
  • And much, much more

Connect to Drip, import your people, blink and you might miss the migration.


Automations that work smarter, not harder

Pick one of our pre-built email automations (designed with industry best practices and logic that converts). Go deep with advanced workflow split testing. Set your automations into motion and give every customer the magical journey they deserve.


“I switched to Drip from Mailchimp and enjoy their automatic re-targetting and it's just so much easier to use and design emails and automatations. Love it.”


Drive more sales with email automations from Drip today.

Start a 14-day free trial of Drip, no credit card required.